Chuck has always maintained a high level of fitness, practicing a healthy, active lifestyle throughout his life. Having spent a decade working in NYC as a TV producer and director, his routine included running along the Hudson River and Central Park in the early hours of the morning, prior to going to work, as well as evening routines in the gym. Chuck is an avid road cyclist, favouring long steady climbs on weekend endurance rides on country roads.
Certified as a cycling instructor through CRTT and ICTC, Chuck has taught his own brand of spin classes for 7 years. He says, “there is nothing that fulfills me more than spinning in a class made up of fellow riders, each of whom has their own physical and personal challenges and goals. And after a near fatal hiking accident in Costa Rica in 2015, surviving an 8-storey fall from a cliff, Chuck knows all about physical and personal challenges. One year of grueling physical rehabilitation later, Chuck was back on the bike, literally taking baby-strides until he was ready to teach again.
“As an instructor, I’m in a position to lead a class and motivate each rider to achieve their own objectives, no matter what their level of fitness. My focus is building a ride to awesome music, pushing my spin students limits and, most important, having f-u-n!”
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